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Good news! The registration with a gmail address is working again. We apologize for the inconvenience!
Gmail has apparently been blocking emails from the PalDat domain since 2023. Therefore, no confirmation email was sent to all users who registered with a gmail address. We hope to solve this problem quickly and kindly ask you to use another email address for registration in the meantime.
Hello, everyone! I was looking for some images of Fabaceae and realized that the photos associated with Mimosa pigra are not correct. The pollen of Mimosa pigra is a tetrad. I think the error may have been in the taxonomic identification of the specimen they used to take the pollen. You can access the entry here:
<script>alert("Coole Infos hier")</script>
A new PalDat version is online! The Alphabetical Search is sorted by column now and all Links are updated. Most of the changes in the new version are not visible for users, but we have a lot of new features in the review and administrative process, which makes life much easier for us :-)
Hello. PalDat is my favorite website. Thank you for the excellent images and great information. Regards.
The "Taxonomic Search" is online in PalDat!
The search for order and family will be displayed in the taxonomic tree on the right side. The "Search Results" will be displayed on a separate page by klick on the order, family, genus or a species in the tree. Hope you like it!
Good documentary for Biology researches and academic. Kindly update new species if any
Thank you for the gentle conditions I have found to of register to PalDat.
I am looking for a picture of the pollen of the clementine tree (Citrus reticulata). Do you think I could get it from the Database ?
Dear Andrea, any method that provides new findings on pollen of a particular species is welcome in our database. We are looking forward for your submission!
Hello, would you have any interest in including images of autofluorescence?
Thank's for your comments.
The feature "search for family/genus" will come up soon!
I often need to search by family and miss this feature in the new version. Do you have plans to add this feature?
I would like to search by family, as in the previous version of paldat. I used very often paldat for my research, a family search will be very nice.
hello. let me introduce my self. i'm Widiani Wardah from Indonesia
i wanna ask, if i want to upload my palynological report here. is it possible if i use Indonesian languange ?
thank you for your attention.
The new version of the site makes it very difficult to get data from a particular family - or at least I cannot figure out how to search for a specific family. In the previous version it was very easy to do. Can this feature be restored?
Very nice site. I have two suggestions. First, it would be helpful when listing Latin binomials to also list the authority (this can help in resolving synonyms). Second, it would also be helpful if people who post entries checked their Latin binomials against The Plant List ( to make sure they are using the most current accepted name.
Any plan to make an android app? If you don't have any plan I think I could make one simple app for you for free. Contact me if interested.
Wollt einfach schauen, was die Andrea so macht, wenn sie nicht grad singt. No, fad dürft ihr bei euch ja net grad sein. Ich versteh zwar nur Bahnhof, aber PalDat gefällt mir sehr gut. Einige Fotos kenn ich ja schon, von Postkarten, Schoko-Papierl oder Schlüsselband :-). Auch wenn man nicht vom Fach ist, die Fotos sind einfach zum Anschauen sehr schön. Gvlg, molly
It's best web site to know palynology!
I think that many photographs and literatures make this web site valuable.
Congratulation on you for the site, it is very helpful to lead Palynology to whom needs pollen knowledge. Besides, it will be helpful to my Palynology classes, even being in English - my student will surely sail here on your site. Parabéns!!!!
Good! You've helped me a lot, I'm doing a researchproject for a biological contest in Poland. The website was helpful when I had to recognise polllen grains I had collected. I've been working with a microscope connected to my computer for 2 months. Great thanks! (BTW, my job was to count pollen grains of some plants and then to make a project out of it).
We are working in a Archeobatanic's Lab in Ecuador. We are very interesting in your job. We are starting a colection of pollen in Ecuador.
We need advice about the diferent technics and more information about pollen description.
Will be a pleasure to contac with your institution for more information.
Martha Romero
Laboratorio de Arqueometria
Quito- Ecuador
This is very useful tool. I must say it helps a lot in recent pollen analysis. Keep going!!!!
Great web site, very useful and with a great structure!just one thing more light-microscopy pictures! I can send to you!anyway thanks1
You have been so helpful in my master thesis, bless you
Hallo, Ihr Pollen!
PalDat funktioniert auch in Rapa Nui (Osterinsel) bestens.
Liebe Gruesse
Cool site! Helpful topic! :)
Grazie il vostro sito è ben strutturato!Alla fine del mio corso di laurea spero di potervi regalare qualche bella "novità"...
Ricercatori senza barriere:UNIAMOCI!
Hi!As many other have done so, I would like to congratulate you on a fantastic website. I really like the search engine and the pictures of the flowering plant included in the search results. I believe that it would be useful to try to include as many light-microscopy pictures as possible, I look at fossilised pollen using this technique and I think that this would be the 'icing-on-the-cake'! Thanks for all the hard-work and keep it up!
hi, hi, hi! Beautiful site.
This site is very interesting for studants in geociences and environmental areas and very good too.
Thanks for disponibility.
Hi, I love your page. I have just started my journey with paleobotany and you help me extremely.Thanks and keep goin!
Ja, auch in der Antarktis und in Sued Georgien funktioniert PalDat ausgezeichnet!
Liebe Gruesse vom Ende der Welt
Hi! a find you site in google, it's nice! I have no own homepage... somestrangetextvista
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
Excellent site, added to favorites!!
Your photos are exciting and I find them more useful than the standard texts. I'd like to send you a few Euros, do you have a Western Union account?
I am looking forward to the "contributions" option. Hopefully, there are not to much copyright concerns! Perhaps, you should embed digital watermarks?
One of the best web sites I ever visit, really a pleasure to navegate in it
Congratulations .
I dont find olive tree pollen ?
Pedro Mardones
Dear PalDat-team,
The website and the terminology handbook deserve much more attention than they currently receive!Congratulations for this masterpiece!! I will be happy to add pictures of Rubiaceae in the future.
Warm regards, Suzy.
Thank you!
Do you have illustrations of Rehmannia and Triaenophora? I need these picture.
The site is very informative, for the new user,
Hallo, Ihr Lieben!
Sehr fleissig seid Ihr gewesen!
Viele neue Pflanzen erfreuten mich in Australien.
Liebe Gruesse und bis bald
I've seen a link to my website in your www pages, but the url is no longer active. Please update it to
Thank you,
With this message I just wanted to show my appreciation for the quality images found on your site. As hobby beekeeper I am greatly helped by the images and the descriptive information, assisting me in the recognition process of the pollen grains that I find in our honey and on the bees and investigate under my (simple) light microscope. All this in turn tells me a lot about the possible nektar and floral sources that our bees are finding throughout the year.
With regards,
Ron van Mierlo
Veri nice site!
What a fantastically useful and easily accessable online resource, thank you for the help it has provided.
I am from Cuba, these country isn't in your list, so I selected Mexico because is the only one near.
Your PalDat-website is really good, I think that will visit it soon.
Congratulations and many thanks for your outstending "Illustrated handbook". You are 100% correct - this is a masterpiece.
Thanks again,
Ehud Weiss
Though your site is surely excellent, let me make two remarks in brief:
Firstly, I would like to suggest that also optical microscope pictures be presented on your site. This might well improve the site's value for students who have no regular access to an electronic microscope.
Secondly, I would expect as normal friendly service to customers that I can get your site in my language which is the official language of this country.
Dr. Gertraud Benedikt
Dear colleagues, congratulations for the update of your excellent images data base and pollen information.
Pepe Ubera
Córdoba, Spain
Servus Ihr lieben Elektronen!
Unter Search/Österr. Flora steht doch tatsächlich lateinisch anstatt botanisch bei der wissenschaftlichen Pflanzenbezeichnung. Das ist aber auch schon das Einzige was mir an Eurer tollen Homepage negativ aufgefallen ist.
Liebe Grüße von der BOKU.
Liebes PalDat Team!
Nochmals Gratulation zu dem gelungenen Pollen-Nachmittag gestern! Es war sehr interessant und anschließend auch sehr gemütlich! Die erweiterten Suchmöglichkeiten der neuen Website erhöhen den Wert der Datenbank ungemein, besonders die graphische Suche.
Alles Gute weiterhin und möge Euch nicht die Puste ausgehen!!
Liebe Grüße,
Margit Hofer
Un grand bravo pour la nouvelle version!
Sehr schöne Pollenbilder! Und vorbildlich aufbereitet.
Darf ich sie mit unserer Pollenseite (Samenproduktion von Waldbäumen)verlinken?
Leider gibt es mit dem Opera Browser folgendes Problem: Nach dem Betrachten einer vergrösserten Ansicht und anklicken des "back" buttons werde ich immer wieder zur PalDat Startseite geschickt, sodass das betrachten etwas mühsam wird; hm.
Hello. Why u need to registe then a password then log in then set uo cookies. Till the computer hang up. Please make it easy as possible as u can.
What an amazing scientific work! both for education and research work are equally of great significance.
Dear PalDat.
Your web site on pollen is terrific! I enjoy browsing trough it, there are spectacular and useful pictures of pollen grains!
I will be doing some work on African Annonaceae soon, and I wanted to know if your database is editable. I noticed you did not have any Annonaceae pollen on your website. I would be very glad to contribute with my pictures once there are taking. I will be applying for grant in order to undertake that work. If I could include in my proposal that my pictures shall be included in your web site, it would enhance my chances.
Thank you,
Best regards
PhD Student Wageningen University
Very interesting this database!
Do you have any information about Loranthaceae pollen?
Thanks very much,
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
Ihre Datenbank ist ein schönes und nützliches Nachschlagewerk um Pollen zuzuordnen. Ich beschäftige mich als Hobby etwas mit den Pollen.
Wäre es möglich, diese auch auf CD zu bekommen? Mein Internetzugang ist nur 45k schnell und wird nach der Zeit im Internet abgerechnet. Deshalb wäre es sehr angenehm, die Datenbank offline zur Verfügung zu haben. Mögliche Datenbankformate sind Access, SQL-Server und MySQL.
Auch Literaturhinweise wären nützlich (speziell die Zuordnung von mikroskopischen Bildern zu den Pflanzenarten).
Danke im Voraus für die Auskunft!
Roland Waldner
Unterbach 155
6863 Egg
I think this site is briliant, because its help me to do my practical about microtechnique in my university.
brawijaya university
Hi your Web had help me a lot in prepairing my class report about pollen, however i want to know some other backgrounds about those pollen that you have shown in the home page. hope you could send me some
My thesis was pollen morphology of Thalictrum species growing in Turkey. I did two different method (Erdtman and Wodehouse) and LM, SEM. There are some differences in my results. I studied 11 species of Thalictrum.
I am running palynological research on tropical pollen fossils. I need exchange the SEM images of recent tropical pollen. Whoever run the research like this is invited.
I appreciate the excellent task.
Die 3000er Schallmauer wurde durchbrochen!
I was trying to find information on the hydrolisis resistance of pollens. i.e. is the pollen of a monocotyledone less resistant than that of a dicotyledone ?
what difference is there in the composition of the sporopollenine of the pollen case etc etc
best regards/ John Atkin
Über 3SAT/Nano habe ich heute von Ihrer Datenbank erfahren. Offensichtlich muß man aber erst Botanik-Englisch lernen um damit umzugehen ... wirklich schade, ich dachte in Wien spricht man noch eine Form von deutscher Sprache.
Oder will man mit den Piefkes jetzt nichts nehr gemein haben?
Gruß Sepp Amann.
I am doing a research project on Castanea dentata, family Fagaceae. I need pollen density and terminal velocity. Can you help me? thanks.
tolle präsentation,
erstklassige bildqualität,
gute funktionalität,
grüeße, fritz
Liebes PalDat-Team,
Kompliment fuer diese faszinierende Webseite!
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Heinz Schneider
Dear colleagues, this site is very important because we have the possibility to know the morphology of pollen for so many species; because of this it is USEFULL.
It is apreciable that you present the morphology of dry and hydrated grains; nevertheless owing to the fact that at dispersal there are two categories of pollen grains: partially dehydrated and partially hydrated, the second category looses water quickly and die. The morphology of some dry pollen grains reported in this site (Parietaria and Hibiscus) is that of died pollen and do not repfect the natural condition.
See our paper appeared recently on Protoplasma 216:171-180.
Massimo Nepi, G.G. Franchi & Ettore Pacini
This is avery helpful palynological database for all the palynologists around the world, and I would like to thank everyone envolved in this work.
Would you please send me all the news & updates information through my Email (
I am just lauching into a palynological research project and this site is the best database of pollen samples that I have seen - It is extremely detailed - I will be a frequent visitor!
This is a great site and the images are stunning.
I am currently undertaking an M.Sc. on the taxonomy on Chironia in Southern Africa, at the University of Durban Westville under Dr. Ashley Nicholas. I would like to make some semi-permanent slides of pollen grains. Could someone please give me a reference for a modern recipe that I could use.
Thanks alot.
Keep up the great work!
Großgratulation zu der gelungenen Pollendatenbank. Das ist wirklich eine großartige Leistung. Mein Wunsch wäre: Macht weiter so!
Liebe Grüße